The Olivet Discourse Reviewed: As Storm Clouds Gather

This Discourse was given by Jesus three days before His crucifixion. It is our Lord’s own authoritative link between the great unfulfilled prophecies ...
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Author: Donald C B Cameron
Publisher: Crimond House Publications
This Discourse was given by Jesus three days before His crucifixion. It is our Lord’s own authoritative link between the great unfulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament and the later ones of the Epistles and Revelation. It is found in three Gospels. The Discourse was Jesus’ answer to a three part question by His disciples – one about the impending sack of Jerusalem by the Romans, and two regarding what is yet future – Christ’s Return and the end of the age. The first chapter considers the Discourse in general. The following four chapters are a commentary on the combined Matthew and Luke accounts, while the final chapter deals with the recent explosion of Anti-Semitism.

The Discourse covers what is to happen on earth after the Rapture or home-call of the final generation of the present Church Age. Thereafter there will be unprecedented ethnic conflict, wars, earthquakes, pandemics, famines, and ecological disasters, with people’s hearts failing them for fear, before the Battle of Armageddon and the Return of Christ in power and glory to rule for a thousand years with a rod of iron.

Donald Cameron is a retired Army educational and intelligence officer and Russian interpreter. Later he was a training and leadership consultant in industry. Since 1993 he has written over two hundred and twenty articles and nineteen books relating to Bible prophecy.

Were one to ask Donald why he is still writing in his ninetieth year, he would reply that, if our Lord so cared that His disciples should know about His plans for the future, that He devoted so much time to prophecy in His crucifixion week, it is appropriate that we should care sufficiently for our fellow believers that they should be equally well informed. The Olivet Discourse is there to alert and enlighten believers now, to encourage us to expect our Lord’s return for us soon and to warn others to repent and be saved while there is yet time. Scoffing at the possibility of the Lord’s return is itself a sign of the times. Many church leaders are negligent in failing to expound the Olivet Discourse, and are consequently as blind to the signs of the times as the Scribes and Pharisees of old. This failing has to be addressed.
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Availability Ample stock.
Publisher Crimond House Publications
Author Donald C B Cameron
Binding Paperback
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