Which Church?

People who are newly saved are often faced with a great difficulty. Which group of believers in the area should they join? There are many sects and de...
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Author: Jack Hay
Publisher: John Ritchie LTD
People who are newly saved are often faced with a great difficulty. Which group of believers in the area should they join? There are many sects and denominations around, so the task of deciding is not easy. Are there any guidelines for the perplexed believer who is seeking a spiritual home? There are, and they are contained in the unerring Word of God. The purpose of this booklet is to list at least some of the features of churches as they were in New Testament times. Which Church? Written by Jack Hay outlines some of the features of churches as they were in New Testament times. What is a church? Who are the members and overseers of New Testament churches? For what purposes did they meet? Framed with newly saved believers in mind, this booklet endeavors outline the Scriptural outline of churches, posing the question "Does the group I am linked with match the New Testament pattern?" The purpose of this booklet is to list at least some of the features of churches as they were in New Testament times. This is done with the conviction that every effort should be made to imitate the biblical pattern, for God’s principles never change with the passing of the years. Read the booklet prayerfully. Check its contents with the inspired Scriptures. If what it says tallies, seek out a company of believers who endeavour to follow the New Testament pattern and associate with them in their witness for God.
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Availability Less than 30 in stock.
Publisher John Ritchie LTD
Author Jack Hay
Binding Paperback
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